Semiconductor & Solar

We at Tesscorn are leading suppliers of semiconductor Instrumentation and manufacturing technologies for the entire process of semiconductor device fabrication, from front-end to back-end, test and packaging, we offer world-class products for deposition, removal, patterning, and modification of semiconductor devices. Our key areas include Power Devices, ICs, Solar PV, Thick & Thin Films, MEMS, Microfludics, Flexible Electronics and Nano Technologies.


    Das Nano, Spain

    Four Dimensions Inc., USA

    Kleindiek Nanotechnik GmbH

    PV Measurements Inc.


    EV Group, Austria

    4Pico B.V, Netherlands

    BioForce Nanosciences Inc.

    NanoBeam, U.K

    JC Nabity, USA


    SVT Associates, Inc.

    SPTS Technologies

    Denton Vacuum LLC, USA

    Nano-Master, Inc. USA

    ULTECH Co. Ltd, South Korea

    Aurion Anlagentechnik GmbH, Germany

    SURFACE & SURFACE systems+technology GmbH & Co. KG

Laser Manufacturing Solutions

    Laserod Technologies, LLC, USA

Silicon Wafer Production Equipment

    Dalian Linton NC Machine Co. Ltd

Solar Cell production equipment

    Nines Photovoltaics

    Kingstone Semiconductor Co. Ltd